Sunday, June 12, 2016

Spent a lot of time in outer space this weekend....

We were supposed to go on a graduation camping trip this weekend with Jonas' Cub Scouts pack but there was a threat of severe thunderstorms so we didn't go. We still ended up going on a hike at Merrill Creek and later had the graduation dinner at the church so it wasn't a total disappointment. Jonas is moving up the ranks and earned a few more belt loops to add to his growing collection.  I am so proud of him; he is really dedicated and hardworking. Additionally, I'm in the process of taking over the Committee Chair position and Jeremiah has just accepted an offer to be Assistant Cub Master so Cub Scouts has been keeping us pretty busy lately.

After getting Jonas to bed, we watched Jupiter Ascending and had a couple of craft-style beers. I am a big fan of the Dogfish Head, 20th Anniversary beer, at 11% alcohol by volume though, you have to be careful to pace yourself.  Jupiter Ascending was okay. It was exactly what I expected it to be so it didn't disappoint me but it didn't pleasantly surprise me either. It starred Mila Kunis as Jupiter Jones and Channing Tatum as Caine Wise. It was your typical sci-fi Cinderella...A girl cleans toilets for a living and hates the monotony of her life when suddenly she is being hunted by aliens who are trying to kill her because, unbeknownst to her, she is a reincarnated heir to the planet Earth and all of it's resources. She discovers her "children" are all plotting separately to kill her so they can sacrifice Earth's people for the valuable commodity of more time. Her handsome "prince" is in the form of an elite-rebel-militant alien who was hired by her enemies to hunt her but decides to help her instead. Together, they fight in a sea of over-the-top special effects and it ends with Jupiter saving the Earth and getting the guy, er, I mean alien.

Jeremiah and I also watched The Martian starring Matt Damon as astronaut, Mark Watney. He was part of a crew on a research trip to Mars. The crew is caught in a sandstorm and Mark is struck by debris and is thought to be dead in the storm. They searched for him until the last possible second before they made the choice  to leave. Mark survived and after tending to his injuries, he begins to assess his current situation. In order to survive past the food supply available he figures out how to grow potatoes in the vault he is living in. The story is divided between Mark's incredible resourcefulness and his ingenious methods of survival and a seemingly impossible rescue plan by NASA to bring him home. We loved The Martian! It is based on a book by Andy Weir and it definitely lived up to the hype. It made surviving on Mars seem more realistic than I would've least if you are a NASA genius.

Today was one of those relaxing Sundays at home with my Boys. We watched Jurassic World and the new Voltron: Legendary Defender on Netflix. I wasn't into Voltron as a kid so I didn't have any nostalgic expectations but after reading my neighbor Josh's approving blog post about it, I decided to check it out.  I liked it a lot though I don't typically love animated series. I'm one of those weirdos who didn't like The Simpsons or Family Guy. I'm not surprised I liked Voltron had the usual appealing components, a band of genius friends charged with saving the world, robot lions, aliens, and a Princess. Jonas thought it was awesome so I am looking forward to watching more episodes with him.

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